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경희대학교 평화복지대학원 로고

Leadership Program
HOME Major(전공) Majors The United Nations and The Art of Peace Leadership Program
Simulation active leadership program such as model UN, mock cabinet, and mock parliament are held during the academic semester. The early semester leadership program is conducted every semester right before the graduation ceremony. It introduces the basic fundamentals to newcomers and reminds it to the senior students. All programs are organized by the student body council and is conducted with the cooperation of the administrative office and the faculty.

The purpose of these activities are to expose students to current and contemporary issues for government, legislatures and the UN. Students have the opportunity to review the problems regarding current decision making procedures and problem-solving methods. Through in-depth criticism of political issues, on both domestic and international levels, students have the opportunity to evaluate progressive alternatives. These program consists of various events such as seminars, discussions of political issues and sports activities. The students are solely responsible for the process of planning, implementation and evaluation, further fostering leadership skills.
A variety of topics are discussed by guest lecturers on a weekly basis. The guest lecturers are either nationally or internationally distinguished and recognized. Topics have included contemporary issues in the Asia-Pacific, foreign affairs and trade, the search for a UN identity, the future prospects of world citizens, and the status of refugees - especially as they pertain to the Korean peninsula and research on peace ideology.

Those who have given a special lecture include: former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali; HE. Rodrigo Carazo- Odio, former President of Costa Rica; Prof. Robert A. Scalapino of the University of California, Berkeley; Dr. Donald Puchala of the University of South Carolina; and Ms. Elaine Valdov, former Co-Convenor of the Seoul NGO World Conference and a member of the Board of Directors for UN-DPI, and Prof. Robert Laughlin, a Nobel prize winner.

서울캠퍼스 02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 국제캠퍼스 17104 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732
광릉캠퍼스 12001 경기도 남양주시 진접읍 광릉수목원로 195
광릉캠퍼스 행정실 Tel : 031-570-7012(대표) Fax : 031-528-7630 E-mail : gip@khu.ac.kr