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경희대학교 평화복지대학원 로고

Peace and Global Governance
HOME Major(전공) Majors Peace and Global Governance
Peace and Global Governance
A new international order is in the making. The new international order will be a Global Common Society (GCS), in which everyone on earth can enjoy happiness and security through good will and cooperation among nations in the spirit of human familism. In the recent years, the East Asian region has become one of the most dynamic centers of global economic and political development. Its historical traditions, rich cultural heritages and wide-ranging political experiences make this area a major focus of scholarly systematic inquiry. The purpose of this major is to familiarize potential leaders with the field of national and international peace and global governance studies focusing on East Asia. The focus is on developing practical skills and functional knowledge in conflict analysis, constructive conflict management and regional institution building in East Asia. Special emphasis is placed on:

1) peace and governance research
2) the construction of alternative peace models 3) the development of skills for constructive conflict management, and 4) training future leaders to carry out the mission of peace
Introduction to Peace Studies
Contemporary International Relations
Global Civil Society and Global Governance
Conflict Management and Negotiation
Peace Ideas
International Law
Global Ethics and Justice
Seminar on Oughtopian Peace
Seminar on Global Agenda
Korean Politics, Economy and Culture
Chinese Politics, Economy and Culture
Japanese Politics, Economy and Culture
Conflicts in East Asia
Regional Cooperation in East Asia
International Relations in East Asia

서울캠퍼스 02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 국제캠퍼스 17104 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732
광릉캠퍼스 12001 경기도 남양주시 진접읍 광릉수목원로 195
광릉캠퍼스 행정실 Tel : 031-570-7012(대표) Fax : 031-528-7630 E-mail : gip@khu.ac.kr