Internationalized Program
Active exchange and increased cooperation among members future global village.A search for global soulutions to humanity's current problems is facilitated by discussing and sharing ideas on relevant issues.
To this end, the GIP conducts various foreign exchange programs promoting a deeper understanding of contemporary world issues.
Written English and communicaions
The objective of this course is to ensure that students develop effective communication skills by first introducing them to the mechanics of written discourse, active reading, rhetoric and the process of critical thinking; then, with materials from a number of other sources, the students practice utilizing these techniques in written reports and oral presentations. This is instrumental in improving students' written language skills, reading competence, research and documentation skills; ensuring that students enter their chosen fields with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel.
Global Collaborative Program
If our future society is to overcome conflicts and confrontations and rise to the ideals of tolerance and peace, then diversity and universality must be realized in harmony. To that end, Kyung Hee University and University of Pennsylvania are inaugurating the Global Collaborative Summer Program in Global Governance and East Asian Civilization. The Global Collaborative Summer Program is joined by East Asia’s finest universities; Peking University in China, Ritsumeikan University in Japan, Moscow State University in Russia as well as the United Nation’s Department of Economics and Social Affairs.
Dual Degree Program
The GIP has established MOU with Ritsumeikan University for a Dual Degree program that let's GIP students receive degrees from both school.