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경희대학교 평화복지대학원 로고

Internship Program
HOME Academics Programs Internship Program
Internship Program
The GIP requires students to practically apply the knowledge learned during the courses through actual field experience, and to make the most out of the vacation through short-and long-term internship programs. The internship program provides the opportunity for students to put what they have learned into practice, and acquire hands-on experience.
Short-term internship couse
First-hand experience and knowledge is valuable for students regardless of where they go and what they do. All students are encouraged to have an internship in an area of their chosen discipline. Recently students have had the chance to work at the US Congress, the Korean National Assembly Committee on Foreign Affairs and Unification, and the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Long-term internship couse
The GIP requires students to acquire two months students of field experience in an area in which they want to work in the future. This internship program is an important component for students who want to expand their knowledge and prepare for employment. Recently, internships have included the National Assembly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the ADB, the ILO, the UNDP, and the UN headquarters, the Oslo Peace Research Center in Norway, and the UN University in Tokyo. The number of students interning in the civil sector is increasing as well.

서울캠퍼스 02447 서울특별시 동대문구 경희대로 26 국제캠퍼스 17104 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732
광릉캠퍼스 12001 경기도 남양주시 진접읍 광릉수목원로 195
광릉캠퍼스 행정실 Tel : 031-570-7012(대표) Fax : 031-528-7630 E-mail : gip@khu.ac.kr